Saturday, January 24, 2009

Free Funny Christmas Greeting Cards

Fun and laughter are necessary to live life comfortably. On this winter holiday season of christmas, we present our latest brunch of funny christmas greeting cards for complete entertainment and loads of happiness. Let us all cheer to welcome Santa and to make him happy so that he give you gifts. Give someone a laugh this Christmas with these cute funny cards.
Funny Christmas Greetings Funny Christmas ECards

Christmas Story Greeting Cards

The chapter of Christmas begins with Mary, the girl who was not married and was virgin too. She heard an angel voice from the sky saying "You will give birth to a boy who is a gift of God". Her would be husband, Joseph later married her to save her from society allegations. So they both went to Bethlehem near Jerusalem to register their marriage. As it was winter time, there was no vacant room anywhere so they had to spend night in an animal house. On that night, Jesus was born. There are no exact pictures of that particular place. So people and we all are just giving relevant references to the whole story of christmas along with free photos based in ideas and assumptions. To know more details and information about what happened later? Please keep surfing for more on our segment of free christmas story greeting cards. You can even forward these free cards to spread the message and story behind Jesus birth.
Jesus christmas story Christmas Story Greeting Cards